Monday, October 09, 2006

Recipe of the week: Lemon Lime Cake

This cake is one of my favorite summer cakes. I got the recipe from our neighbor Ida.

1 lemon cake mix - according to directions.
1 pkg Lime Jello - dissolve lime jello in 3/4 cup
boiling water.
add 1/2 cup cold water.
let jello sit a few minutes while cake cools.
poke holes all over cake and spon jello overcake.
1 pkg Whipped Cream - mix 1 pkg Cream Whip with
1 pkg Lemon Instant Pudding and 1 1/2 cups cold milk.
whip until firm and frost cake
fuer Deutschland:
ihr braucht eine Zitronenkuchen Backmischung (nach Packung zubereiten),
1 Pkg. Limone Goetterspeise (mit weniger Wasser zubereiten),
Loecher in den fertig gebackenen und abgekuehlten Kuchen machen und die Goetterspeise hinein loeffeln,
Sahne steif schlagen und mit kaltem Zitronenpudding glatt ruehren und auf den fertigen Kuchen streichen, kuehl stellen!
Abwandlung: Das Lime-Jello weg lassen und vor dem backen Mandarin-Orangen auf dem Kuchen verteilen.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

My new job…

Last Friday was day 10 in my new job as a Fulltime Teller! I started September 25th!
Right now I feel a little bit more comfortable about everything.
Things are going to make sense to me!!!! Almost everything is new for me because I never worked at a bank before. My previous job in the casino was way different!!!!
We still have 2 weeks training to go but that is a good thing for all of us! It feels so good because everybody is so nice and everybody cares about the others.

Our new little bank will open at October 23rd and all the employees are brand new in this business, even our Manager. That will be fun!!!! And when the first customer walks in and nobody remembers what to do!!! LOL

Monday, October 9th is my first holiday and I have a day off (it is Columbus Day). I already like my new working hours a lot more!!!

Banker Dress code

After I bought some nice business clothes for my new job I found out, the dress code at my bank is way easier than I thought. We can wear Capri’s, nice Flip-Flops (not the cheap ones!), Denim-Skirts and on every Friday, I can wear my favorite pants – Jeans!!!! Let’s go shopping!!!!

My birthday

My birthday was Saturday, September 23, and I had the whole week off because I turned in all my vacation days I had left from the casino.
And of course, we spent the weekend at the lake!
In the morning we worked a little bit at the guesthouse and in the early afternoon we had a sooooo yummy cake with my favorite icing, … whipped icing!!! And I got some presents from my sweethearts!!!! Guess what I got???? An Ipod nano. I love it!!! And next time when I go to the tracks for a run, I will take it with me. That’s so much more fun to run with my favorite music!
For supper, we went to Dieter Brother’s for a goooood Burger, some Curly Fries and Salad!!!!
I had a great day!!!