Thursday, January 28, 2010

My job at GAP

In October 2008 I startet my new job at the GAP as a Sales Associate in Gainesville. I love my job!!! My wardrobe is about 80% GAP anyways, so I can wear everything I already have at work. In May 2009 I was "Employee of the Month". I only work a few days a week, so it fits perfectly to my busy schedule with College, bookkeeping for Konny-Island, etc..

My first College Semester

This picture showes Janina and me at our first day of College.
Well, actually it was my very first day. I startet College in fall 2009 with WebPage Design. Janina startet College after taking a "little" break. Her major is Film and TV.

To make this day even more special, we made "Schultueten" for each other. I made one for Janina, and she made one for me. And we both didn't know how they looks like until our first College day. So we had a little "Einschulung" :-)

Konny's Tour November 2009

All four of us went to Germany in November 2009 to get on Tour. We were in a different city every day. And let me tell you... we had a lot of fun!!! It was awesome to meet so many people.


U2 Concert / October 2009

Me at the U2 Concert in October 2009 in Oklahoma.

Pelicans, gulls and ducks

Pelicans at Moss Lake!!!
Since the middle of January we have about 20 Pelicans, lots of gulls and lots of different ducks here. We don't knwo what happend... if they got lost on the way to Florida or what... but we do enjoy them!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Meine Lieblings-Werbung


3 Eier
75 g Zucker
40ml Amaretto
500 g Mascarpone
250 ml Kaffee
250 g Loeffelbiskuits
2 EL Kakaopulver
Zubereitung der Creme:
Das Eigelb von den Eiern trennen und in eine Schuessel geben, nun mit dem Zucker und der Haelfte des Amarettos mit einem Schneebesen schaumig ruehren, danach die komplette Menge Mascarpone unterruehren.
Eiweiss zu Schnee ruehren und unterheben.
Zubereitung des Tiramisu:
Den Rest des Amarettos mit dem Kaffee in einer flachen Schale vermischen, nun die einzelnen Loeffelbiskuits kurz in den Kaffee eintauchen und in das Tiramisugefaess legen. Wenn eine Schicht mit Loeffelbiskuits voll ist, eine Schicht der Creme drueber geben, nun wieder eine Schicht Loeffelbiskuits und danach wieder Creme... usw.. Die letzte Schicht muss Creme sein, darauf dann das Kakaopulver aufstreuen und die Tiramisu im Kuehlschrank kalt werden lassen.
Guten Appetit!

01.January 2010

my first picture, early in the morning on 01.January 2010

I love those kind of pictures... and I do take lots of them...

Silvester 2009/2010

one out of many rockets from our firework. Pic turned out pretty nice :-) It looks like an exploding star
last pic in 2009 (with dessert in front of us).

We had BBQ with juicy Steaks, Bratwurst, Coleslaw, Garden Salad and Potatoe Salat. And for dessert: Dognuts and Lemon cupcakes with whipping cream