Friday, September 22, 2006

Tornado Watch

09/21/2006 ... 9pm:
We are under Tornado Watch until midnight!!!!
The area with the Tornado Warning is only 30 miles away. That scares me!!! After we found out about the Tornado Watch we secured everything in the front and backyard (the pool ladder, the swing, garden tools, etc.) and we were prepared to go to our storm shelter in the backyard. For Murphy we had some treats ready to make him jump into the shelter, otherwise we would have to carry him and that would be impossible (he likes “american doggy food” …. just kidding!!! *LOL*). Now we’re still waiting if something is gonna happen. If I could, I would watch the Weather Channel all night long, just to make shure.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Homecoming 2006

Today was the Homecoming 2006 Parade! It started at 6pm on California Street and Janina was on the “CLASS OF 2007” trailer.
She had a lot of fun!!!
Every trailer was decorated in red and white (the school’s colors).

My little girl is a senior now; it is her last High School Year!!!
I already went to the first Senior-Parent Meeting to meet other parents and to sign up for Fundraising, helping at the Prom 2007 and the Senior Brunch. It is a very exiting year for us, especially for Janina.

New Job = New Clothes

I really need some new clothes for my new job, I have nothing to wear!!!
Of course I have lots of clothes but nothing BUSINESS LIKE!
I love love love my Blue Jeans but that is a NO NO in a bank. And I can’t wear most of my short sleeve shirts also, because they show my Tattoo.
Well… I went shopping and got some cute grey pants with pinstripes in pink and a black Sweater from The GAP, a Twin set in Bordeaux from Old Navy, some shirts/blouses from Vanity Fair and one pair of cool black Boots and the same pair in brown from Payless Shoes and several pants, sweater and skirts from EBay.

Now I’m ready for my new job!!!!

Bye, bye Casino….

In June, I had a job-interview in a bank. They called me a week later and told me, my name would be on top, but I have to come in for a second interview in a few weeks.
Two weeks ago, I finally had my second interview and it turnt out:
I got the job!!!!
The next day, I turned in my two-weeks-notice at the Casino. Saturday (9/16) was my last day at work and today was my “Bye Bye Party”. I’m really sad to leave this place after 18 month and I’m gonna miss everybody!!!
I don’t know if it was the right decision, but sometimes you have to jump into the cold water. I really loved the Casino… my co-workers, the lights, the music … everything! I will miss everything and everybody!!!

But on the other hand, I’m really exited about my new job. My first day will be Monday (9/25). It is a Monday to Friday job, evenings off, holidays off, weekends off (maybe I have to work one Saturday a month), it is Fulltime with Benefits and 2-weeks vacation … just perfect for a Mom of two Teenies.

Since I started my new position as a Supervisor, I had to work on second shift and on every Saturday. I really loved the people on this shift, but I did not like the hours. I left my house around 1pm and came home at night between 1 and 2am.
With my new job I’ll be at home a little bit after 5pm, because I work only 5 Minutes away from home!!!

Juchhuuu…. From now on we have Friday-Night-Football-Games again and Movie-Nights, and BBQ on Saturdays, and Sunset-Shopping, etc.!!!!

The pic above shows my "Bye Bye Party" in the Casino Breakroom with some of my co-workers .
We had a lot of food ... sandwiches, cakes, chips and dips, fruits, ...

And the pic below showes me and Tammy ... and me wearing my red Supervisor-Shirt for the last time!

Bye bye guys ... it was really fun working with ya'll !!! Take care and we keep in touch!!!

My Tennis Champs…

Janina plays Tennis since one year and Jason started this year. They both love it.
Last Tuesday (9/19) they had a Tennis match…

Look here what the newspaper says:
The Gainesville Leopards’ tennis team fell to Denton Ryan 17-6 in a dual match TuesdayThomas Harris, Seth Stockton and Sam Allred took singles victories over their Ryan opponents.Stockton and Tony Weise combined to take the number one boys doubles match, while Allred and John Martin took a win in the number three boys doubles match.Ryan’s girls swept the girls singles matches. However, Janina Reimann and Carley Ginther took the number three girls doubles match.“We are 0-4 on the season,” Gainesville Coach Jeff Gerken said, “but we have been playing some of the bigger Class 4A schools. As long as we keep improving, I think we will have a good season.”Gerken pointed out that even though they didn’t come away with a win, Deven Garrett, Jason Reimann, Michael Hermes, Ryan Mangum, Amanda Bradsford, Becca Shaw, Jenny Pearson, Melina Perez, Cori Krewson, Tiffany Kenner, Danielle Rogers and Irene Perez continue to improve and play well.Gerken also said that Maegan Ranking and Sarah Brashears also have been improving. (Staff Report)

One of the rules at school: At the day of a tennis match, girls have to wear a skirt and boys have to wear Slacks, a shirt and a tie (at school all the shirts has to be tacked in!).
Jason didn’t have a tie at the first tennis-match-day and his coach borrowed him one… it was a green one with tennis rackets and tennis balls!!! We went shopping the next day before he had to wear a “Sponge-Bob”-Tie!!!

My truck …

We always had trouble with my truck from time to time!
It was always something else!
A few weeks ago, the kids and I went shopping in Denton. On the way to Denton the battery sign kept flashing and I took the next exit and asked at a small shop for help. It was the alternator! I got a new one and paid $160. Good bye shopping money!!!

It doesn’t really rain a lot in Texas… but what if it rains and your wipers are not working??? It happened to me on the left lane of four toward Dallas. Great!!!!
But last Tuesday (9/19) my husband fixed it!!!

And he also did something with my starter too. It took me forever at my last days at work, to drive from Gainesville, TX to Thackerville, OK. Usually it takes 15 Minutes but than it took more than 30 Minutes and my truck only ran 20-30 miles/hour. And on top of that it stopped several times. It was really fun driving with my truck!

Back to school….

School started at August 17, after almost 3 month summer break.
Back to school … back to dress code … back to rules!

I draw “We are Back to school” the night before on Janinas rear window. She took it off before they left :-( !

Monday, September 11, 2006


Was it real
Those images....smoke and dust...
How could it have happened here

Would our wounds ever heal
Does it seem strange that we still feel

Five Years Later
We're still angry, we wonder
Can remembering go on to long
Can we keep our faith & stay strong

We still feel shock & face our fears
We are a Nation resolved to
fight our foes and stand tall
Our pride we wear, we shed the tears

I won't ever forget, that fateful day
For the souls lost, and the survivors too
And for those whose lives were changed some way.
God has shed his Grace on Thee and Me

America - truly the land of the
Brave, the Remarkable, and the Free.
It all is real.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


My hubby turned 51 and we had a chillin' day with BBQ and Schwarzwaelder-Kirschtorte at the lake. No working at all. Konny hasn't even touched his tools :-)
After breakfast it was time to unwrapp the presents.

Then he got call after call... Busy-Birthday-Boy :-)

In the afternoon we had some visitors from Germany and a very good time!!! Thank you Heidi and Rolf for coming and we hope to see you some day again!!!


Although i don’t like to cook ... i really love to bake.
Cakes, Cupcakes, Strudel, everything!
My favorite part is to decorate. Every Birthday Cake looks different. Once i made a „Black Forest Cake“ for Konny shaped like a Surfboard.
Since we live in the US, i watched the „Food Channel“ with ‚Cake Decoration“ Shows.
I would like to take a class in cake decorating but all the classes are in the evenings on days i have to work. :-( That’s why i bought a book. It really looks easy but, i can tell ... it’s not!!!!
Putting the icing on the cake was almost a disaster. Everytime i wanted to put icing on, pieces of the cake broke off. It looked like a mudpie. UUUaaaahhh ! To save the cake i put tiny icing-flowers close together using my decoration kit (see the pic below).
One of my co-workers now gave me the tip, to freeze the cake before frosting!


Janina and i had a little shopping tour at the Gainesville Factory Mall:
We went to GAP, a bookstore, Rue21, Kitchen Collection and Reebok...
.... but we won’t tell you what we got!!!!! :-)))


In July i got a new promotion at Winstar Casinos. I started my new position on August the 1st, as a Electronic Gaming Supervisor. I’m the „Boss“ from all the second shift Techs, Hosts, Hostesses, and Cashiers. You guys are awesome!!!! Thank you for your warm welcome on second shift!!!
I had to switch my blue shirt into a red shirt... uuuhhhhh!!!! Looks goooooood!!!


We`ve got married in Las Vegas 2003. And now it`s our third (3rd) Anniversary !!!!
I`ve got 3 red roses from my hubby, one for every year!
This year, it was on a weekend day and nowbody of us had to work and we had Dinner at Pizza Hut.
Pizza Hut is like a tradition now. After our wedding in the Little White Chapel in Vegas we had a georgeous tour on the strip in a white strech-limo. After we got back to our RV we walked to a Casino and to the next restaurant because we were soooooooo hungry... and that was Pizza Hut. (abtw... i took a break from my diet because i just got married .... *LOL* ... after the breakfast the next morning i bought a dozen of Krispy Creme Donuts :-))) )


While watching MTV Music Videos i found some interested DVD`s at a commercial break. Yoga, Power Yoga, Pilates and Power Pilates. They were in a package, and of course, i ordered them!

BURN ... BURN ... BURN ... some calories !!!

After months without doing any sports i finally startet running again. I don`t like to run thru the city, or on running trails... my favorite place are the tracks at the High School. That way i count all laps together and i know how many miles i did.
Honestly, it`s between 1 and 2 miles right now, it`s not much, but it`s better than beeing a couch-potatoe :-)))))
And... i feel soooooo good after running.
Let`s go back in shape!!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

READY - STEADY - GO ..........

Welcome to my BLOG!
It's all about me, me, me !!!

My family, my friends, my job, my favorite recipes, sports, hobbies, .... !