Sunday, September 10, 2006


My hubby turned 51 and we had a chillin' day with BBQ and Schwarzwaelder-Kirschtorte at the lake. No working at all. Konny hasn't even touched his tools :-)
After breakfast it was time to unwrapp the presents.

Then he got call after call... Busy-Birthday-Boy :-)

In the afternoon we had some visitors from Germany and a very good time!!! Thank you Heidi and Rolf for coming and we hope to see you some day again!!!


Sandra said...

Happy Birthday to Konny! That cake looks delicious! Yum!

Jack said...

Herzlich Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Konny! The cake looks really good!

Die Mainzer said...

Hallo Ihr Lieben,
ich hoffe Konny hat meine Geburtstagsemail bekommen. Da ich mir schon dachte das Ihr am See seid, hab ich gar nicht erst angerufen.
The cake is awesome. I love it.
Your new Blog is really cool. We also went shopping yesterday. Some winter business casual Dresses.... Now, I have a Gap Card. Yeaahhh.
Talk to you Guys later. Have to got to work...